Inter-professional organisation

The BEIC is an inter-professional organisation of 11 trade associations in the UK, which cover all aspects of the egg industry – breeding, hatching, rearing, laying, packing, egg processing and marketing.

Set up in 1986, the principal function of the BEIC is to represent the interests of its Members (the UK egg industry) in discussions with Government, MPs, the European Commission, European Parliament, and other bodies.

  • Recognised by Government as the representative voice of the UK egg industry.
  • BEIC also finances research and development.
  • Its members are the 11 major organisations concerned with the egg industry.

The British Egg Information Service


Member Organisations

The Council of the BEIC is made up of the 11 organisations listed. The Chairperson of each organisation attends the quarterly Council meeting, to discuss policy.

British Egg Association (BEA)

National Egg Marketing Association Limited (NEMAL)

Northern Ireland Poultry Federation (NIPF)

Pullet Hatcheries and Breeders Association (PHBA)

Pullet Rearers Association (PRA)

Scottish Egg Producer Retailers’ Association (SEPRA)


Key positions

BEIC members and staff also hold key positions in/are involved in the following EU and global organisations


BEIC is funded exclusively by a voluntary levy paid by Lion-registered packers and producer/packers who between them represent more than 90% of egg output in the UK. These ‘Subscribers’ to the BEIC adhere to the Lion Code of Practice, which sets higher standards of both hygiene and animal welfare than is currently required by UK or EU law.


Trace your egg